State of New York Police Juvenile Officers Association, Inc. Est. 1975 |
New York's Juvenile Officer and School Resource Officers Association |
This course is intended for School Resource Officers, Police Juvenile Law Enforcement Officers, DARE Officers, School Liaison Officers and Supervisors of SRO’s, who would also benefit from taking this course.
This 5-day, 38 hours NYS DCJS-MPTC and SNYPJOA-certified course has been developed for the juvenile law enforcement officer who will be, or is interested in working in an educational environment. The attendees will be given a working knowledge of the School Resource Officer concept and other school based policing programs. They will be given information on the relationships that must be developed between the law enforcement community and the educational systems if they are to be successful. There will be a written examination and at least one graded practical exercise for each student.
Core Topics:
A certificate will be issued by the State of New York Police Juvenile Officers Assocaition for all participants that hold the status of police or peace officer and also by NYS DCJS and added to accadis training register.